Chinese City Red Light District
Chinese City Red Light District
Scene provided as PDF for print (in single-sheet or divided poster format) & in WEBP format for all modern VTTs; square grid optional.

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The warm glow of red lanterns blanket every corner of these streets, on the edge of the slums where the respectable might still occasionally tread. Here, a mixture of elegance and femininity mixes with the vulgar. It’s a good place to meet in anonymous quarters … or to end up blackmailed.
(It’s also a good excuse to justify the existence of AD&D’s best subtable. IYKYK)
- Those big plaster walls are made to stop fires from spreading through a city.
- One of the beds conceals a hidden passage, visible in the wrecked variant. Maybe it connects to the neighboring bar’s trapdoor? Or does it go elsewhere?
- The streets also make for a good “seedy bar brawl” map, with the open-faced bar exposed to the crossroads.
- Red Light District: It’s shinier at night. And also way more dangerous. Host a bloody Wuxia-style fight.
- Riverside: You want a riverside not-quite-a-slum? Bam. Enjoy the entertainment. Throw someone off the dock while you’re there.
- Hell: Nobody knows how to party like a demon. Meet a contact in the underworld or beat up the manager of a hellish house of Sin.
- Winter: It’s the worst time to be doing business, really.
- Flowers: Wow, the whole city’s been overgrown. Everything’s so pretty and green … and messy. Too many fallen leaves. More solid cover to hide behind.
- Flower Plague: We love a good plague, don’t we, folks? I strongly recommend that you do not breathe in the mustard gas. Might be a zombie apocalypse. Might be that the plants staged an uprising.
- Wrecked Brothel: The place got raided. It was probably justified.
- Canopy Overlays: Built for VTT canopy usage!
- Day/Night Variants: Wherever applicable!
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